Protal 7200 Repair Cartridge
Protal 7200 Repair Cartridge
Fast Cure Epoxy Repair Coating
Protal 7200 Repair Cartridges are specially formulated for patching and repairing damaged FBE and other liquid coated pipelines. The repair cartridges are packaged in 2-component tubes that are applied with a dispensing gun (sold separately). Two convenient sizes (400 ml and 50 ml) are available.
Excellent adhesion (compliments FBE coated pipe)
• Fast cure
• High build (in one coat)
• High abrasion resistance for drilling applications
• Can be used as an abrasion resistant coating (ARO)
• Does not shield cathodic protection
Surface shall be roughened approximately 1" (25 mm) around all repair areas using a
Carborundum cloth or 60 to 80 grit sandpaper and than remove the remaining dust with a clean, dry cloth, brush or clean compressed air. Material can be applied by injecting material into a small container and mixing until a uniform color is achieved or utilizing the Protal Static Mixing Tip. Material can then be brush applied to specified mil thickness (minimum 20 mils / 508 microns). Cure times are dependent on temperature and will be extended at cooler temperatures.