TRITON - 100cm2 and 10cm2 Coupon Test Station
Triton Coupon Test Stations can be used to measure the effectiveness of CP systems by monitoring on-off readings, DC current densities from coupons, and measure the risk of AC-related corrosion through coupons.
Dynamic Design– All measurement-related components are integrated into a single industry-standard, 3-inch diameter riser post package. Its streamlined form factor provides easier transport, inventory management, and installation.
Ease of Installation – The coupon test stations include AC coupons, DC coupons and a Reference Cell in an integrated package that’s simple to install. The primary and secondary pipeline connections are pre-installed.
Varied Dimensions for Different Scenarios – Multiple coupon assemblies are available to cover the varied range of coupon sizes and configurations needed for different measurement scenarios.
100cm2 Coupon Test Station with 30' Triton leads and 30' Test leads
10cm2 Coupon Test Station with 50' Triton leads and 50' Test leads